The quilt is small and fraught with all sorts of errors: seams not lining up, puckers in the quilting, crooked quilting lines, etc. But I love it anyway... I purchased the soccer fabric a few weeks after finding out we were expecting a boy, knowing Mikey would love it. I chose the red and blue for the blocks because they were the only fabrics that matched that I actually had enough of... and the white was added to keep it from looking too busy. Mikey calls it Baby M's Fourth of July Soccer quilt, which makes me giggle. I was happy to see the little guy get right on the floor with his quilt the second I set it down. Imperfect as it is, I know it will be loved.

This photo was take pre-washing, right after I finished hand stitching the binding -- so don't look too closely, or you'll see where I picked out the incredibly crooked quilting I had done but hated!
Thanks for looking!
I love this:)
Cheerful beautiful quilt !
I love how you used color in this quilt!
Love the colors and the way you placed the blocks makes it look like the streak of lightning variation of log cabin.
So cute and I love the picture of your little boy with it!
I love the soccer print and how you placed the red and blue.
Oooh. Love it. My first ones were nowhere near that good.
I'm so glad you posted your quilt - and the great picture of your little one, it made me smile. Lovely quilt.
It was made from love!! Beautiful!
Beautiful Quilt. Lovely colors, fabrics, design. You did a fantastic job.
Thanks for sharing and participating in the Bloggers Quilt Festival.
this is great...looks loved already
Very sweet quilt story and even cuter pics! I like how your socks match the quilt and your little boy is a pretzel bending that way. Sure to be a much loved quilt, no matter what flaws you think it has. Thank you for sharing your quilt's story.
great photos and the quilt is cute!
Beutiful quilt! The colors and print selections are wonderdul.
And the happy Baby M, looks ready to start enjoying his new quilt made by his mommy.
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