

Love this quilt

When the Monkey was born, we lived in a very small 2-bedroom apartment and my plans for nursery decor didn't go too far beyond putting up a few animal prints. I had fallen in love with these adorable eBoo bird cards, which seemed like the perfect theme for a gender neutral nursery. My Mom, who is incredibly creative, used one of the cards as inspiration for this gorgeous quilt she made (her first!!). The center panel applique is of my absolute favorite birds in the card set.

I was thinking last night that when the Monkey was born, I had no idea how much a part of our every day life this quilt would become. Before the Monkey learned to walk, it was constantly on our living room floor, as his designated play space. It was the place where he did his tummy time, and the place where we'd try to take naps together when nothing else worked.

Once he started crawling, we'd still use it in the living room, but it no longer stayed in one place all day. Instead, it became his favorite peek-a-boo blanket and a favorite place to read books.

Then summer came, and the quilt followed us from park to park as we soaked up some sun and played out on the grass. Once he started walking, we spent less and less time sitting on the quilt, as the Monkey preferred to run and swing and slide. The quilt has lived in our linen closet since then.

And then yesterday afternoon after a fun day in the sun, the quilt made an appearance again. This time, it became the roof of his first fort. It makes me so happy to see the quilt out again, and even happier to see him so engaged in pretend play.

His favorite fort game: playing store. And the item he loves to sell to us: key lime pie. :) And it's the very best key lime pie we've ever had.


ilovebabyquilts said...

Great post! I love to see quilts getting lots of love.

Allison said...

Oh my goodness he is CUTE!!!! Love the quilt too. :)